Tag Archives: Juneteenth

Motherless Child

Juneteenth—a day of celebration.  Enslaved people in Texas finally (1865) got the news that they were emancipated.  African-Americans have had precious few occasions to celebrate, and this event and the eventual Emancipation Proclamation, the 15th and 19th amendments to the Constitution, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and a few other such legal advances have unfortunately left the dominant worldview that includes racism mostly intact.  My hope is that the recent protests will inspire a re-education and emotional enlightenment of our national soul and bring us all the empathy, intelligence, and bigheartedness I think we all want to identify as what is truly American.

I have always been attracted to the African-American spiritual Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child.  If I were back teaching high school English as I did for a while many years ago, I would say here we have a perfect example of a series of similes.  First the singer speaks of feeling like a motherless child, then she laments that it feels like the night will never end, then, gloriously, she feels briefly like an eagle in the air, but in the end she goes back to feeling like a motherless child—a woeful, heartbreaking comparison.  I accept gratefully that I have never had to endure the discrimination that blacks in America have experienced, continue to experience.  But this song helps me emotionally place myself for a short while in their shoes. I find it a powerful song, and I am grateful for all the many singers who have shared it with us over the years.  I’ll share my recording of it with you here.  Thank you for listening.   

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child