Tag Archives: Happy Hour alone

The Last Time

This is not exactly a mirror image of the song made famous by Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson—“To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before.”  However, it is a song in which I reminisce about past loves.  Amidst all the sheltering in place, social distancing, avoiding crowds, etc., I have treated myself to a few “by myself” Happy Hours.  These events have not been as depressing as they may sound.  Actually they gave me an excuse to think back about people I have shared a drink and a romantic relationship with over the years—in particular some of the wonderful men I have loved and who have loved me in return.  All have moved on.  Sadly, some have died.  Some years ago I wrote a song about this melancholy experience of letting a relationship melt away from the intensity of a powerful, burning love to that instead of a treasured, remembered love.  Mementos keep them in my life, and now, in my more mature years, I do indeed hold their love in my heart like gold.

The Last Time, by Sandy Dolby