All posts by Sandra Dolby

Out of the depths

This video includes a song I wrote based on the opening line of Psalm 130. I believe we can expect to find peace only if and when we ensure justice for all our people. On June 15, 2020, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, will reopen after shutting down due to the Covid-19 virus. In light of the killing of George Floyd and the many protests that have followed, this summer, if we take proper precautions, might be a time to visit this outdoor site and ponder its somber message.

Turn your back to the wind

There are many things I dislike about Trump. He continues to act like a reality show host rather than a President, and that shallow showmanship includes his being a blowhard through his daily Twitter posts. Twitter has finally at least started warning people that his tweets are faulty and should be fact checked. I think he has done more than mislead us. He has betrayed us, our nation, and the world. In the biblical phrase, he has sown discord and an ill wind, and we are left in sorrow to reap little beyond a damaging whirlwind.  Here is a song I wrote some years ago that points to a truth I hope many more people are starting to realize—Trump has betrayed us.

Ask your children

Some years ago I wrote a song called simply “Daughter.” In the current context, I view the song as asking people my daughter’s age and younger if they will, in effect, accept the burden of rescuing the planet and our nation from the scourge of conspiracy theories and those who promote and encourage them. I hope they will be able to turn benighted believers away from such magical thinking and return our world to a sane and caring forward path.