Trump is turning his back on Ukraine. Do the rest of us have to go along with this? I was inspired to support Ukraine against Putin two years ago, and I continue to support them now. Here is a song in support. Share if you wish.
Trump is turning his back on Ukraine. Do the rest of us have to go along with this? I was inspired to support Ukraine against Putin two years ago, and I continue to support them now. Here is a song in support. Share if you wish.
Even Amazon, in describing Ken Burns’ Nation Parks series, admits that “America’s national parks spring from an idea as radical as the Declaration of Independence: that the nation’s most magnificent and sacred places should be preserved, not for royalty or the rich, but for everyone.” And now the Trump administration is firing employees who work in the National Parks right and left, setting the parks up for, we must assume, private ownership. This clearly goes against the original intent of those working to develop a system of national parks—parks for everyone, parks for families and people who maybe cannot afford to travel all over the world.
Some years ago, I traveled west and enjoyed several of our National Parks. It was a wonderful and affordable experience. I have souvenir post cards that I have put in a frame to remind me often of this excellent adventure. I think the Trump administration should be ashamed for seeking to deprive American citizens of this amazingly successful testimony to America’s democratic vision.
Read about the National Parks below. And shame on the Trump administration for trying to dismantle this great idea.